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From the Principal

30 May 2024

Our 西瓜视频 Community is a source of strength and encouragement. We are reminded of this by St Paul, 鈥渢hrough many, we are one body in Christ, and individually members of one another鈥 (Romans 12:5). This unity is clear to see across our College, especially in the classroom, where students support and learn from one another and in the way in which our parents and staff work together to create a nurturing environment for all.  

西瓜视频 Carr Day provided an opportunity for us to recognise and celebrate the strength of our community. It was a lovely celebration of our dynamic nature and provided an opportunity for a vast range of students to showcase their many talents at 西瓜视频 Carr鈥檚 Got Talent.  We took the time to give thanks for our history, reflect on the College鈥檚 growth and share our hope for the future.  I enjoyed (mostly) hearing the squeals of students on the rides and have it on good authority, that the ice-cream was worth the wait! 

As we move into the second part of this term, we build on the steady start we have had so far. The colder mornings can bring sleep-ins and rushed mornings, so can I remind you that students should ensure they have their uniform ready and their bag packed to the night before. It is each student’s responsibility, not their parent鈥檚, to have the correct, full uniform. This includes socks, shoes and blazers! Students show their commitment to our community through this initial choice every morning. They represent us from the moment they leave home in uniform through to the moment they get home. Students are expected to wear their blazers throughout this journey. For a refresher on our uniform expectations, please refer to the Uniform Guide on our website.

Our partnership with families is important in guiding our young people. We need your support in building their responsibility and self-efficacy in the choices they make and the way they approach the College.  We appreciate families working with us across all matters. 

Rose Connolly 